Create a free test account on GoZero

Included in our learnign GoZero series

Andreas Kviby

Last Update 5 maanden geleden

How can you create a free test account on GoZero?

Goto the site and press the button on top right "Get GoZero" or similar in your language.

Register your business account and fill out the form as above.

After this is done you are on a free 30 day trial and you can use any feature of the system as you want. When you are closing in to the ending of the trial we will get back to you.

You have full support while testing as well, Miss Zero, our AI powered chat assistant can help you with a lot of things, our knowledge center is another place for knowledge and we are also here for you. We are in the chat, by e-mail and online in all web-seminars that you can book for free on the web.

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